Email for ecommerce

Meet Amy

You are sitting on


You are sitting on

Right Start

New or old to email marketing having the right foundation and set up is critical to avoid costly mistake

Engaged Audience

Understanding your audience is one of the keys. To unlocking the secret to engaging emails, that guarantes your emails get clicked.

Opt-in Optimized

Get our PROVEN framework guaranteed to engage 

Messages Optimized

Get our proven email framework, with full breakdown, checklist guaranteed

Avoid costly mistakes

I’ll reveal the metrics that matter most and how to test messages, guaranteeing success

Easy Content creation

Create 30 days of content in 1 hour

Protect yourself

Compliance is something no one likes to think about but it matters


Imagine being able to create and email in 20 minutes or less that always get opens and clicks.

Imagine the freedom of never having to stress and depend on ads to make sales.

Imagine building a profitable email list. Helping you reach your goal faster and easier.